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Robert P. Fitton Student ID UMASS Amherst
Colonial Village Amherst Massahsuetts 1975

I began writing here in this apartment near UMASS Amherst.

UMASS Amherst 1976


The Legend of the Seasons as told by the old man

The Legend of the Seasons

As told by the old man

The Legend of the Seasons by Robert  P. Fitton 1977

A very early story-March 8, 1977-by Robert P. Fitton in the mythical motif of the Native American Indian.


Robert P. Fitton

The Red Light District


Nantucket Island


The Red Light District Free Audio Book


The Red Light District

Amherst, Massachusetts-1978

The Red Light District

Author Robert P. Fitton, Nantucket Island 1978
Fitton Books Section
Fitton Books Section
Robert P. Fitton Amherst MA 1980


A Noble Experiment

Amherst, Massachusetts

A Noble Experiment by Robert P. Fitton Free Audio Book

A Noble Experiment


A Noble Experiment. The world is filled with phonies, liars, and frauds. In 1963 an intrepid reporter, Bill Brady is out to expose bogus alien landings only to find the real aliens lurking in the shadows. Brady is abducted and brought into a galactic adventure and a  great extra-terrestrial war.

Fitton Books Section
Fitton Books Section


Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero Free Audio Book

From a 1978 Manuscript


Absolute Zero


In the late 1970’s Robert P. Fitton wrote an intense social/science fiction novel anchored in 1978. Garry Phillips inadvertently is drawn into a complex plot that is spawned from a national capital punishment law and the ghoulish use of the corpses combined with a lethal humanity threatening virus.

Fitton Books Section


The Reprehensibles

Amherst, Massachusetts


Maria Almonte, a Reprehensible wonders who will control the earth. Will the Lunar elites and Neville Constantine control Earth's food and energy supply? Or will one of the Reprehensibles arise to challenge the Elites, the Greenies and the existing order? Maria has a prescient ability to understand the inequity and the freedom of the past... until the end.


Asimov Lecture Hits Home


Here is the fascinating lecture by Dr. Isaac Asimov at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1978 with Fitton in the audience. Dr. Asimov's concern for overpopulation (among other topics) sent me to the typewriter to write The Reprehensibles in 1979.

Dr. Isaac Asimov at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1978

Asimov Lecture Hits Home

Here is the fascinating lecture by Dr. Isaac Asimov at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1978 with Fitton in the audience. Dr. Asimov's concern for overpopulation (among other topics) sent me to the typewriter to write The Reprehensibles in 1979.

Fitton Books Section
The Reprehensibles Free Audion Book
The bearded Author Robert P. Fitton 1980

Robert P. Fitton

Amherst, MA

After writing the Bottom Line AKA 'The Reprehensibles.'


My Othere Face by Robert P. Fitton-Free audio book.


My Other Face

Amherst, Massachusetts-1980

From a 1980 Manuscript

A small New Hampshire town’s most wealthy family is invaded by tiny inter-dimensional creatures whose deadly presence transforms them into living dead killers. Citizens flee for their lives leaving a horrific trail of fear and bloody murder.


Robert P. Fitton Hyannisport Massachusetts 1980
Hyannisport, Massachusetts 1980



Hyannisport, Massachusetts


Author Robert P. Fitton at the First Space Shuttle Launch April 12, 1981


April 12, 1981

Launch of STS 1

Space shuttle Columbia

Cape Canaveral, Florida


Columbia ready to Launch April 1981
Robert P. Fitton Photo
First Space Shuttle Launch 1981
Robert P. Fitton Photo


Audio- Watching Columbia lift off from the Cape.

April 12, 1981

The Space Shuttle Experience directly  influenced Book One of the Ramdama's Kingdom.

Fitton Books Section

Author Robert P. Fitton San Ganbriel Mountains 1981
Fitton Books Section


Glendora, California-1982

'XB-234' aka 'The Ramdama's Kingdom,'


The Ramdama's Kingdom  Free Audio Book

1982 Writing XB-234

 San Gabriel Mountains-Southern California

Te First Space Shuttle Launch April 12, 198

Crowds await Discovery at Edwards.

November 16, 1982

The Ramdama's Kingdom Free AudioBook

Glendora, California-1982

The Ramdama's Kingdom


Section Fitton Books

A raft of short stories were

written in Southern California


Huntington Beach, California


Robert  P. Fitton Wrote Short Stories in Southern California

Random thoughts while on the beach....  

How about a novel where earth is connected to other planets by a sea of energy passageway?

Author Robert P. Fitton Huntington Beach California 1983
Section Fitton Books

A novel where earth is connected to other planets by a sea of energy passageway-Ah Ha!

Sojourn A Novel of Destiny by Robert P. Fitton

1985 The Flume- New Hampshire

Author Robert P. Fitton The Flume New Hampshire 1985

Sojourn started with outlining with thoughts and plots while in California. The book began in earnest in Massachusetts, writing by hand in the beginning and continuing with a typewriter.


Sojourn basic book finished in 1989 on Cape Cod

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